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Machon Herut - Educational Center for Independence and Productivity

Machon Herut is dedicated to providing valuable knowledge and resources for sustainable living. Located in Kochav HaShachar, Israel, we offer community-based adult education. Join us in our mission to promote sustainable independence for Jewish homes and communities.

Our Programs


Heat and power production and management

Solar power setup, rocket mass heater construction and operation, compost water heating, solar ovens. The goal here is achieving energy independence and profitability.


Small scale food production

Food forest planting, aquaponics (fish and vegetable co-production,) beekeeping, household nursery setup and operation, small scale fowl and livestock raising for organic egg, milk and meat production.

Waste Upcycling

Waste treatment and processing

Building and operating worm composters for sewage treatment and processing, upcycling cardboard waste into edible and medicinal mushrooms, fractional distillation of local plastic waste into biofuel, biodiesel production from waste vegetable oil, methane gas production from livestock waste, black soldier fly larvae upcycling of food waste to animal feed.


Sustainable Housing

Using locally found stone, sand and earth to build inexpensive, sustainable, structurally sound and energy efficient housing. Building temporary, mobile housing (yurts) to facilitate young people’s initial homesteading efforts at a very low cost. Building greenhouses and animal shelters.


Local manufacturing and protoyping

3D printing, laser cutting, aluminum casting, manual and CNC toolmaking. Community tool library


For adults and children

Legal and effective homeschooling: best practices. Adult education enabled by state of the art AI tools.

Our Mission

The settlement movement has seen massive success in the demographic aspect-more Jews live in Yehuda and the Shomron now than have since the Bar Kochba rebellion. We now need to build a mutually beneficial connection between the settlers and the Land beyond one of real estate, and create economic independence for families and communities.
That's why we're building an adult community education center in Kochav Hashachar. Its focus is to deploy skills and technologies for ecologically and economically profitable productivity for households and communities.
The curriculum is modular, hands on and taught by instructors from the settlements and Israel in general. We target teenagers, young adults and adults, and teach at a high level but accessibly.

Connect with Us

Kochav HaShachar, Israel


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